Sacred Harvest Festival 2022
“Waters of Life”
Monday Aug. 1st – Sunday Aug. 7th 2022

This year we celebrate our rich history, welcoming back tribe members, new guests, and adding to a growing base of new friends. You are invited to join Pagans, nature worshipers, and their children and elders as we come together once again for a week of joy, fellowship, and learning.

Murphy Pizza
Murphy Pizza, PhD, is a cultural anthropologist with a specialization in comparative religion. The last time she was a guest at SHF, she was still finishing her dissertation on the Twin Cities Pagan Community! From that, she wrote the book Paganistan: Contemporary Pagan Community in Minnesota’s Twin Cities (Ashgate, 2014), co-edited The Brill Handbook of Contemporary Paganism (2009), and contributed to Sacred Schisms (Cambridge, 2009) and Nordic New Religions (Brill 2015). She has also published and presented several articles in the realm of New Religious Movements. Her teaching and academic background includes anthropology, ethnic studies, art, humanities, religion, philosophy, social action, natural and social sciences, and research methods.

She is currently president of the Upper Midwest Section of the American Academy of Religion and active in planning their annual conference. Murphy has also been a practitioner of Pagan religions, world religions, and magical Occult traditions for nearly 30 years. She happily resides in the Twin Cities with her beloved community and has been slogging it as an adjunct professor at several schools there – a situation that may hopefully transform soon.
Murph’s Blog : Rose in the Retort
Aeona Silversong
I have been a practicing Witch and Pagan for over 45 years. I am an ordained Priestess in an eclectic religious organization Westernesste and now a retired Priestess in Church of All Worlds.I am currently studying the Blue Star Tradition and a member of the Sweet River Blue coven.

Part of my magical path led me to realms of Faerie. I was touched by the Fae at age 17 and they joined me on my life’s journey. I write magickal chants and songs to share with community. We are all One. Love to you…

Kelden Mercury
Kelden (Minnesota) has been practicing Traditional Witchcraft for more than a decade. His writing has appeared in The Witch’s Altar, The New Aradia: A Witch’s Handbook to Magical Resistance, and Modern Witch magazine. Additionally, Kelden is the cocreator of The Traditional Witch’s Deck and he authors a blog on the Patheos Pagan channel called By Athame and Stang.

Kelden on: Youtube Facebook , Patheos Blog , and Instagram: keldenmercury
Wade Mueller
Wade Mueller has been a Pagan for 26 years, a Tyrsman for 20. He is founder of Deeply Rooted, a Pagan land-based intentional community in 2001. He has been a prison minister for 15 years. Beekeeper, book collector and wannabe blacksmith…
Pagan Homeland, Living on Sacred Land
I am founder of Deeply Rooted, an off-grid 160 acre pagan sanctuary and community in north-central Wisconsin. I have been living at Deeply Rooted for the last 8 years and will present the great benefits and potential pitfalls that can occur when Nature based people live close to Nature. Historically our beliefs and practices were shaped by our geography. We truly are people of the land, yet many of us live in cities and have little connection to the cycles of the Earth. We will discuss these ideas and make plans to move towards a place where Pagans and other Nature spiritualists are stewards of larger pieces of land and we can once again become truly “nature based” Pagans.
Ritual: The Sumbel
The sumbel is a ritual toasting which is a part of many important religious and social occasions. The horn is passed around the circle and toasts are drunk to the gods, goddesses, landwights, or dead ancestors. Instead of a toast a bragging story or boast of an accomplishment to be undertaken could be spoken, but any such boast is given the weight of a most solemn and binding oath.


Brian Henke
Brian Henke composes and performs his music like a painter putting images on canvas, a kind of sonic shaman, drawing his inspiration from Mother Earth and everything around him, which inspires the magical feeling of awe and peace of the compositions of this multi award winning virtuosic fingerstyle/harp guitarist/ singer songwriter.

His unique guitar style has been called everything from Folk to New Age to Neo-Classical to Pastoral or as Brian likes to call it “a big stewpot of everything, stirred up,simmered and served to taste.” His music appeals to anyone who likes their music lyrical, thought provoking and performed with virtuosity. Through it all is an undercurrent of spirituality and mysticism that Brian says is very much a part of the creative process.Brian Henke at Reverb Nation
Mama Gina
Mama Gina is a singer/songwriter, fearless storyteller, and wanderlust. With down-to-earth, bluesy vocals, a bit of humor, and straight-ahead, rhythmic, acoustic guitar, djembe and frame drum, she tells the true stories that fall into her head and heart. She sings of our responsibility to nurture both the mundane and the Divine.

You’ll also meet Nine Toes the Bard, a 15th century Welsh lass who once dealt with a Dragon. She now travels the world, singing tales of love and battle, Pirates and Vikings, damsels and elves, trolls and that wicked Dragon that left her one digit shy. And you’ll encounter the intra-galactic Bard, Ava/She Walks the Stars.
Come laugh, weep, laugh some more and sing along with Mama Gina and all her alter-egos! Mama Gina Musi

Concerts, the Talent Show, and Nightly Rituals!
Attend the full week to not miss out!
Our 2022 Rates
Adult Rates
1 Day 10am to 10am | Two Days 10am to 10am | Three Days 10am to 10am | Four Days 10am to 10am | 5-7 Days |
$45 | $75 | $105 | $135 | $165 |
Teen Rates
13 and up: $45
Children under 13 are FREE!
Electric, Cabins, RV sites are available.