Sacred Harvest Festival 2006

Image by Joe
Harmony Tribe welcomes these guests to SHF 2006 !

This year we have Patrick McCollum, a West Coast elder, and resource for exploring pagan history and practice. Katrina Messenger, brings a rich history as a community activist/organizer, and joyfully aids us to engage divine mystery. Penny Goody will return and host a Rangoli Ritual, and shares her experience growing up with Pow-wow magick. Frank has made our circle whole with his inspired gift of the Lodge. Brad Murphy will contribute a Norse worship perspective
Reverend Patrick McCollum
Reverend Patrick McCollum
Wiccan Elder and Minister
Reverend Patrick McCollum is a nationally recognized Wiccan elder, and High Priest of the Cauldron of Cerridwen — one of the first covens established in the United States. He was initiated as a Witch in 1965 and has participated in the Pagan community for over 40 years.
Patrick teaches workshops nationally, on the origins of the Wand, the Athame’ and the Circle, and is an expert on nature, herbs and magical lore. His specialty is revealing the secrets hidden within the rituals and magical tools utilized by most Pagans, which are not usually taught in most traditions, or found in any books. He has just released his new book “Courting The Lady, A Wiccan Journey, Book One: The Sacred Path” to rave reviews!

Patrick is the Statewide Wiccan Chaplain for the California Department of Corrections and was the first official government Pagan Chaplain in the United States. In that capacity, Patrick facilitates ritual and counseling for over 1,000 Pagan inmates in thirty three correctional institutions. Patrick also serves as a Wiccan Chaplain for the Federal Bureau of Prisons at the Federal Correctional Institution at Dublin California, and as a national religious advisor for the Bureau’s 120 correctional institutions. In addition, Patrick also serves as the Pagan religious advisor for 14 other state correctional systems nationally, and has advised the Pentagon.
Reverend McCollum is Professor of Chaplaincy at Cherry Hill Seminary, the first Pagan seminary in the US, and also teaches a four day chaplaincy intensive to Pagans each year, through the Pagan Leadership Institute in Ohio.
Katrina Messenger
Katrina Messenger
Poet, Priestess, Warrior and Witch

Katrina Messenger, a radical feminist of African, Cherokee & Irish descent, is a refugee from the communist, labor, feminist, and black nationalist movements of old. She now busies herself with revolutions of a more immediate nature – changing herself. A founding member of Dark Flame Coven, she finds inner peace and solace by sharing her hard won lessons with others who care to listen.

Katrina is a DC native with over thirty year’s experience as a grassroots activist and community leader. She has taken on leadership roles in almost every group she has joined, including her election to the state presidency of Maryland NOW and later when she served eighteen months as the acting minister for the Sojourner Truth Congregation of Unitarian Universalists. Katrina is a full time mystic, an ordained minister and the founder of Reflections Mystery School.
Steven Posch
Steven Posch
Storyteller, Ritualist, and Semiticist
….his life is a tribute to the danger presented by books.
At age 14, he read Robert Graves “White Goddess”, and has not looked back since. In 1979 he came to the Twin Cities in search of “Paganistan” and, except for brief stays in Britain and the Middle East, has lived here ever since.

He has been called the “Pagan Rabbi” and through no fault of his own, has become something of a spokeperson for the Hebrew Pagan / Neo-canaanite movement. (such as it is).
Go figure…
Brad Murphey
Brad Murphey
Bradley Murphey has actively studied his Norse family traditions for nearly 20 years. He is an ordained minister from the Wiccan Church of Minnesota and a founding member of Red Rune Clan, Runestaven and a member of the Norroena Society. He has taught Runes and Norse traditions for the last 10 years.

Brad is certified in Special Education and has been a Certified Somellier in the International Court of Master Somelliers since 2002.

He co-authored “A Child’s Garden of Futhark,” a book of Pagan Children’s poetry in 2005. His new book, “Othil: Norse Ancestral Traditions” is slated for release in early 2006.
Mystic Melange returns in 2006

The One Hat Band
This family-comprised band is the most eclectic, talented, and fun band around. With its members ranging in age from 50 all the way down to 8, this band is truly the “family” with the most fun! With mandolins, guitars, fiddles and sometimes a banjo, the music this band produces is good-ol’ bluegrass with a side of folk. The Breitbachs have played at regional music festivals, as well as being regulars at PSG and Starwood

- Michael Breitbach, the dad, guitar
- Pearl Breitbach, the mom, stand-up bass
- Jakob Breitbach, 25, violin, saxophone
- Maple Flo Breitbach, 23, mandolin, banjolin
- David Estafen, 23, banjo, drums, guitar
- Jackson Breitbach, 18, violin
- River Breitbach, 16, mandolin, violin, guiTar,
- Chiron Breitbach, 8, violin
Don’t miss the Foxfire fire show!

Big Joe Credit
…Bard, folk singer, song writer
I have played guitar for as long as I can remember, going back at least until the late fifties. I played rock and roll bands, as a folk singer in my native Boston and New York, worked pit bands for summer stock theater, and took a degree in music.

I never felt like I could create with it until I was inspired by the people I met in the pagan community. I started writing songs about the people and experiences I gathered with them. My son joined with me shortly afterward, and we met Beltana at Starwood in 2000.

We formed the pagan band Sona and played at festivals all over the country for the next two years. We had some artistic and personal differences, and split up in 2002. Since then, I have been writing sporadicaly and playing festivals here and there. Little Joe and I have agreed, however, to collaborate again on some new music and maybe a tour next year.

A few years back, I attended the Sacred Harvest Festival and was so impressed with the people there that I had to write a song about it. I am thrilled to be coming back this year, and look forward to seeing all of the Tribe again.
Red-headed Renaissance woman,Celia is a singer-songwriter, musician, actress, storyteller and dancer.

Celia will be performing her new song, “Symbol”, in support of religious freedom and the Veteran Pentacle Request

Her uplifting performances entertain, captivate and provide plenty of humor leaving the audience easily won over by her magical spell. Celia graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Performance from the University of Michigan. She then headed for New York City where she wrote, produced and performed “Stories in the Stone,” performed live music for the Off Broadway production of Conor McPherson’s “Rum and Vodka”, and toured with Theatreworks USA. She now resides in the Midwest.