Sacred Harvest Festival 2016
Sacred Harvest Festival 2016
“Dreams and Bones”
Monday Aug.1st – Sunday Aug.7th

Our nineteenth year is planting roots, defining and recognizing our dreams, and embracing a home for our bones. We made the move to Northern Minnesota, helped clear the land, and built our village. We drum and dance into the night, create enriching rituals, and bask in our famous tribal community. This year we are free to bring our visions of the future, and bury the bones of the past. Our ancestors are watching and helping us!
“Spirits of the ancestors live in me
they whisper of other times and places
and if I dream I can hear and see
their soft voices and ancient faces “
(Ancestors’ Bones by La Belle Rouge Poetess Of The Heart)
Sacred Harvest Festival has welcomed well over a thousand unique individuals who have made our tribe flourish. Pagans and nature worshipers and their children and elders come together once again for a week of joy, fellowship, and learning.
We are your People, … Join Us !
…. discover Atchingtan, the NEW Tribal Home you will love!
Read about the festival and it’s History!
“The Leprechaun Pirates” Perform Saturday Evening!

Festival Theme Art 2016
by Ann Lullof
Sharon Knight in Concert Friday Aug 5th

About Atchingtan : Located about 90 minutes North of Minneapolis, among pristine secluded woodlands and fields between Finlayson, Mn and Lake Milacs

Limited electric spots for campers and tent areas, filtered drinking water, Hot showers and wash stations, ample portas and ice available on site. Reserve a fire ring for an individual campfire. Register early, services reserved by registration date!


Sharon Stewart
Sharon Stewart has a passion of caring for the dead in our communities and families. She is a Certified Death Midwife, a long-time Hospice volunteer, a trainer and certified volunteer for the NODA (No One Dies Alone) program, a Bereavement Volunteer, an End-of Life Educator, and a Green Burial educator. Sharon teaches Death Midwife Classes and Family Directed Home Funeral classes at her home, SpiritKnoll, in Wisconsin. Through her work, education and outreach she has found so much joy working with families and communities dealing with death. It is her privilege to support and empower families to reclaim their legal rights to provide home based death care should they choose to do so.

Sharon is a member of Circle Sanctuary and has helped with Green Burials there, volunteered as their Events Coordinator for several years and has served as their Pagan Spirit Gathering Manager for well over a decade.

Sharon is also a Reiki Master and assists her husband with classes at SpiritKnoll.
Dan Stewart
Dan’s journey as a Healer began in 1999. He has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has obtained certification as a Massage Therapist. Dan is also a trained Shamanic Practitioner, an Ordained Minister, and an experienced Reiki Master & Teacher.

His practice seeks to help clients regain/maintain balance in all aspects of their lives: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual.

Kahla Wheeler-Rowan
Kahla Wheeler-Rowan is a woman, mother, grandmother, herbalist, metaphysician, singer, storyteller, goddess and prairie witch living in the wise woman tradition.

She is an ordained minister, a Dianic High Priestess and an organizer of various rituals and rites of passage who practices in the Holy Church of the Great Outdoors.

Twenty years ago, Kahla began PrairieWise Herbal School, a 3-year program for clinical herbalists and continues as its director and principal instructor.
Sacred Harvest Festival 2015 will have all the great programming you have come to expect;
Concerts, the Talent Show, The Friday Rangoli, Nightly Rituals, and some Surprises!
Attend the full week to not miss out!
If you wish to appear as a Presenter or an Entertainer, to offer your gifts to your tribal community, We welcome you!
Please Contact Harmony Tribe!
Judy and Nels Linde
are a married, collaborative team who are active volunteers, ritualists, community organizers and leaders in the Minneapolis / St. Paul area.

Their book, “Taking Sacred Back – The Complete Guide to Designing and Sharing Group Rituals” was released by Llewellyn Publishing in May 2016.

They have been guest ritualists at national Pagan festivals including Pagan Spirit Gathering, Heartland, and Sacred Harvest Festival, and have written and led over a hundred rituals for groups from 50 to 800 participants. In February 2007 they organized the Veterans’ Pentacle Rights Ritual at the Minnesota State Capitol. Nels and Judy have presented at Pantheacon, Heartland, and as part of the Pagan Spirit Gathering Pagan Leadership Institute. Appearing this year at
- The Pagan Unity Festival -,Nashville, TN.
- Heartland Pagan Festival – Lawrence,KS
- WiccanFest – Toronto, Canada
- Pagan Spirit Gathering – S. Illinois

Jaimie Zaugg
Jaimie has been active in the Greater Twin Cities Pagan community (aka Paganistan) since 2001, and he has been practicing magic since the late 1970s.

Though he has had, and continues to have, many teachers over the years, Jaimie’s formal training was with Twisted Willow, from which he earned his third degree in 2005.

Jaimie is a minister of the Wiccan Church of Minnesota and a Reiki Master/Teacher. Jaimie and his wife Shelly have two lovely and brilliant daughters who may very well rule the universe one day.
Emyrs Anu
Emrys Anu is a devotee of the Goddess, priestess, legal clergy, mother, healer, animal lover, writer, speaker, activist, and confirmed heretic. Passionate about all things spiritual, she demands intellectual integrity while honoring Truth in personal experience.

For more than a decade Emrys Anu has presented ethics based workshops and discussions for Twin Cities Pagan Pride, Paganicon, The Wiccan Church of Minnesota and Sacred Harvest Festival. She affectionately calls these Emrys Anu’s Ethics Playground and invites you to come and play.

Enjoy our fabulous talent show, Friday night Rangoli Dance and special guests:
Sharon Knight at Sacred Harvest Festival Friday Aug 5th
Sharon Knight and Winter
Together with longtime collaborator Winter, Sharon Knight will appear at the Sacred Harvest Festival stage on Friday Aug 5th 7-8.30pm. Sponsored by Cara and friends of SHF

San Francisco songstress Sharon Knight is a Celtic folk singer in leather armbands. She plays octave mandolin as if it were an electric guitar and sings as though she means to summon a storm. The music of Sharon Knight combines a love of antiquity and romance with an affinity for the haunting and melancholy, adds a hearty dash of feistiness, and reminds us that we can all see the world through the eyes of enchantment.

Here be the Leprechaun Pirates!

Leprechaun Pirates!
Arrgh Begorah! Here be the Leprechaun Pirates! A merry band of singing pirates cursed to take the form of leprechauns. There are three such pirates in the band, and here are their tales.
The Dread Pirate King Kent Hansen
Lead vocalist, guitarist, and songwriter, it was all his idea to take up the Pirate ways. But who is worse, the pirate who leads or the ones who follow? or is it the one who led us to the cursed treasure? Kent is also a blues singer and songwriter, as well as a long time regular behind the scenes at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival.
Which brings us next to…

The Dread Pirate Justin Hartley
Sure, he may look like a friendly pirate leprechaun with a drum, but Justin wrote his tale in the song that caused the three dread pirates to run afoul of a gypsy’s curse. As the band’s drummer and accordion player, he also plays the kazoo and has the best darn stunt ukulele out there. He is also the drummer for several different bands. Stunt ukulele you say? Yes, when our final pirate forgets her ukulele, he has a lovely little Cordoba that comes out to play. That’s right, her. Women singing pirates are extremely rare,
and women leprechaun’s do not exist outside of a gypsy’s curse which brings to…

The Dread Pirate Beth Hansen-Buth
What started out as innocent fun, joining her older brother Kent at an open mic once a month, brought us the third member of the band. Beth is the ukulele player, vocalist, and songwriter as well. When not playing Pirate Leprechaun games, she likes to paint and write non-pirate songs as well. Check out Wyrdhaven Studio for all the details about that.