Sacred Harvest Festival 2017
Sacred Harvest Festival 2017
“Tribal Reunion, 20 Years”
Monday Aug. 7th – Sunday Aug.13th

Harmony Tribe is celebrating its 20th year of providing spiritual and educational opportunities for our community. Over this time we have grown and restructured, becoming a 501c3, tax-deductible non-profit group. Throughout this journey we examined our values, processes, and vision, and together made a conscious choice for our future. We have touched and celebrated the life passages of thousands of people, and seen a whole generation of young people mature and enter our spiritual community and gently helped them pass into the next. We have hosted many nationally known guests and have provided a place for sacred ceremony and meaningful ritual for families.
This year we celebrate our rich history, welcoming back guests and tribe members from years past, and adding to a growing base of new friends. You are invited to the Reunion, as Pagans, nature worshipers, and their children and elders come together once again for a week of joy, fellowship, and learning.
We are your People, … Join Us !
Read about the festival and it’s History!
For Rates and to Register

Discover Atchingtan, the nature preserve you will love!
Located about 90 minutes North of Minneapolis, nestled among pristine secluded woodlands between Finlayson, Mn and Lake Milacs.

“This week we will be connecting with the energies of nature, the Sun and Moon, the wind and trees, the rhythm of the earth and fire. As we walk through festival, we are constantly co-creating sacred space with our breath, our movement, our words and our deeds. Remember this. Be quiet in quiet spaces, join in with dance, sing the songs, laugh, play and encourage one another. Sacred Harvest Festival is a place to build and strengthen community. Whether this is your first festival or one of many, we believe you will experience the “magic” that happens when those who honor the Earth and her creatures, gather and walk together on the land in love, trust and with respect.”
…from our 2001 Village Guide: “Magic All around you”

Got more time than CA$H ??
Check out our contributing ” Worker Bee” member program and get a discount registration!

New this year, Merchanting is FREE!
Pay adult registration and bring your stuff to sell!
We now have early admission available, plan to arrive Sunday after 5pm for a small fee per adult. When you registration includes Monday, the option pops up!

For the first time ever, you can register and bring your well behaved pet to Sacred Harvest Festival!
Please carefully read all the details at registration!

Kathy Meadowlark Dawe and Breighton Dawe
Kathy Meadowlark is an author, teacher, counselor, and certified hypnotherapist. Kathy is an experienced workshop presenter, a Reiki Master, psychic, medical intuitive, member of the Seneca Wolf Clan, and Sister of the Moon Circle. She has walked a spiritual path for more than 30 years sharing her unique perspective that blends both ancient and modern healing techniques, wisdom, and concepts.

Breighton Dawe is an author, Reiki master, energy worker, tarot reader, writer, and teacher Breighton uses his electrical engineering and computer background as a foundation to bring the metaphysical into the “real” world. Personal energy management, vibrational medicine, alternative energy, and weatherwork are a part of his repertoire. Breighton is a sensitive and conscientious healer and energy worker.
Bonnie Hanna-Powers
Bonnie is a second generation pagan from Paganistan. In an effort to live her spirituality, she has spent time studying the earth in several forms: gardening and landscaping, wildcrafting food and herbs, and healing herself and others with the practice of herbal medicine. She finished a program in Herbal Studies from MCTC in MN, and, in 2016, a 1 year apprenticeship from the Plant Traditions School of Medicine with Bonnie Kreckow in Winona MN.

Her day job is as a Farmers Market Coordinator, and she runs a small herbal business called Bumble & Bramble Herbals with her business partner and fellow herbalist Brigid Cisek. Bonnie believes that everyday acts of living can be part of earth worship, and she is excited to be able to share some of what she has learned for the benefit of the community.

Herbal First Aid Class Series: This series of 5 workshops will teach participants how to create their own first aid herbal remedies. Each day we will make the herbal remedy together, and there will be some for the participants to take home. There will be recipe sheets for participants to follow along with as well. Any of these workshops may be taken separately or together. Class fees cover all materials used, and allow participants to take home elements of their own herbal first aid kit. If you wish to take the class without a fee, see Bonnie.

Kahla Wheeler-Rowan
Kahla Wheeler-Rowan is returning as Guest from last year! She is a woman, mother, grandmother, herbalist, metaphysician, singer, storyteller, goddess and prairie witch living in the wise woman tradition.

She is an ordained minister, a Dianic High Priestess and an organizer of various rituals and rites of passage who practices in the Holy Church of the Great Outdoors.

Twenty years ago, Kahla began PrairieWise Herbal School, a 3-year program for clinical herbalists and continues as its director and principal instructor.
Wade Mueller
Wade Mueller has been a Pagan for 26 years, a Tyrsman for 20. He is founder of Deeply Rooted, a Pagan land-based intentional community in 2001. He has been a prison minister for 15 years. Beekeeper, book collector and wannabe blacksmith…
Pagan Homeland, Living on Sacred Land
I am founder of Deeply Rooted, an off-grid 160 acre pagan sanctuary and community in north-central Wisconsin. I have been living at Deeply Rooted for the last 8 years and will present the great benefits and potential pitfalls that can occur when Nature based people live close to Nature. Historically our beliefs and practices were shaped by our geography. We truly are people of the land, yet many of us live in cities and have little connection to the cycles of the Earth. We will discuss these ideas and make plans to move towards a place where Pagans and other Nature spiritualists are stewards of larger pieces of land and we can once again become truly “nature based” Pagans.
Ritual: The Sumbel
The sumbel is a ritual toasting which is a part of many important religious and social occasions. The horn is passed around the circle and toasts are drunk to the gods, goddesses, landwights, or dead ancestors. Instead of a toast a bragging story or boast of an accomplishment to be undertaken could be spoken, but any such boast is given the weight of a most solemn and binding oath.

Donna Clark
As my Grandfather did, I practice the Old Way.Thirteen generations ago the first member of my family arrived in North America from Scotland escorting nine practitioners of the Old Way. In order to continue preserving and celebrating the Old Ways, they were forced to continue moving further into the wilderness. About one hundred fifty years ago, the family settled in a small isolated community in New Mexico. They found themselves surrounded by others from other cultures (Apache Shaman, Mexican Brujas and herbal healers) who, while pretending to fit into the mainstream, practiced their spiritual traditions privately. It was in this community that I was raised.

After college, I married and followed the drum. Almost everywhere I went, I had the opportunity to witness or participate in pagan rituals. In the San Blass Islands I witnessed a hunting ritual done on dugout canoes. In the interior of Panama I was introduced to my husband’s ancestors in ritual. In Germany I took part in a Sacred Hunt. On an island in the southern tip of the Persian Gulf, I was chosen by an extraordinary Priestess to be her student for two years. The workshop I’ve prepared is a sharing of what I’ve learned over the years about mythology, ritual and change with time for discussion and a story or two built in.
Bright Hawk
Bright Hawk has shared her uplifting spirit, storytelling and music to entertain audiences around the world for the past 20 years.

Her lifetime of experience as a percussionist has inspired her original music that she creates on the handpan. Bright Hawk shares inspirational stories from around the world, inviting our imaginations to create healing and magic through storytelling, drumming and song. Bright Hawk is appearing with her partner, Hollis Taylor. They will offer music, stories, workshops, and bless our Rangoli night atmosphere!

Mami Wata
Named in honor of the African mermaid spirit, Mami Wata is a group of female drummers from Madison, WI who play music from West Africa. They will offer a workshop Friday morning, and perform a concert Friday evening!

Mami Wata, our namesake, is venerated in many parts of Africa as the Mother of Waters. She is often depicted as a beautiful mermaid, complete with a tail, and is associated with rivers and all flowing waters. It is our hope that, in Her honor, our music may flow like Mami Wata’s beautiful waves. Members of the group have studied in Guinea and in the US from teachers such Bolokada Conde, Famoudou Konate, Mamady Keita, Karim Koumbassa, Mandjou Mara, Fode Bangoura, Shawn Barry, Paddy Cassidy, and Helen Bond.
Charlie Lawson
In the early 1970s Charlie made his way to the West Bank in Minneapolis to listen to live blues music. Charlie started performing with the Crazy Legs Blues Band in 1976, and followed that up over the next thirty years with stints in The Kingsnakes, The Wallets, the Chaconnes, Blues at the Viking Bar, the Swamp Twisters, and most recently, the Charlie Lawson Blues Combo. Charlie has been both a promoter and volunteer for KFAI Fresh Air Radio and over the years has organized all day blues festivals for both KFAI Fresh Air Radio and the St. Paul Tenants Union. Ever since his formative years on the West Bank, Charlie has been a cheerleader for the blues encouraging people to get out and experience live music. Charlie was inducted into the MN Blues Hall of Fame in 2016, winning the “Keeping The Blues Alive” award.

Charlie will offer a special blues performance on Wednesday evening, Aug. 9th. He will play rich, danceable tunes and rumor has it a couple of the best T.C. blues musicians will join him for this special concert! You can preview his expertise at the Charlie Lawson Residency, a monthly concert series, on the last Saturday of each month at The Dubliner Pub, 2162 University Ave W at Cretin/Vandalia, St Paul, 9pm-1am.

White Deer
White Deer aka the “Wizard of Percussion” is a veteran of the Pagan Festival circuit and performer with the bands Todd Alan and The Quest, and Green Crown, as well as teaching hand drumming at Pagan festivals throughout the US since 1984. His magical path integrates ancient musical systems with dance, theater and ritual to create a new pagan mystery tradition.

He is a co-founder of Darshana Ritual Theatre and creator of the very first (neo) Pagan community Gamelan. He has lived for a summer in South India in 2010, and also in Bali in 2016 where he studied Balinese music and culture. His current studies are in the ancient mystery traditions and plant alchemy. He lives in La Crosse WI with Violette Rose and is a father of 3 children.
Violette Rose
Violette Rose began as a musician on the acoustic bass in the 1980’s, playing in Symphonic orchestras, jazz and medieval ensembles. At PSG 1995 she was seduced by her muse Whitedeer, and jumped onto the pagan music and festival circuit as a member of pagan bands Todd Alan and the Quest and Green Crown, touring across the United States for the next 9 years. She began attending festival workshops in Bellydance and Indian folkdancing, and began serious study in bellydance in 2003.

Since then Violette has taught bellydance and Indian folkdance in a variety of settings and studied in South India 2010 and Bali in 2016. She is a co-founder of the Darshana Ritual Theatre, exploring consciousness, trance states, and spirituality through music, dance and ritual. She is a Registered Public Health Nurse, a Nurse Educator at Viterbo University and Winona State University Schools of Nursing, and a full-time graduate student. She is currently a formal student of Kathak (Indian classical dance). Violette lives in La Crosse, WI with White Deer, and is a mother of 3 children.

White Deer and Violette Rose, co-founders of Darshana Ritual Theatre will offer a series of workshops in music, dance, and ritual performance, culminating in a weekend spectacular by Darshana

Festivants can learn the intricate rhythms, and dance moves to create a mystical show. Don’t miss it!
This year we have booked both new and returning presenters for our 20 year reunion!
Check back for event updates !
Three Concerts, the Talent Show, The Friday Rangoli, and Nightly Rituals! Attend the full week to not miss out!