Sacred Harvest Festival 2019
Sacred Harvest Festival 2019
“A Flowering of Magick”
Monday Aug. 5th – Sunday Aug.11th

This year we celebrate our rich history, welcoming back guests and tribe members from years past, and adding to a growing base of new friends. You are invited to join Pagans, nature worshipers, and their children and elders as we come together once again for a week of joy, fellowship, and learning.
We are your People, … Join Us !
Read about the festival and it’s History!
For Rates and to Register

Image by Nick Voss
Discover Atchingtan, the nature preserve you will love!
Located about 90 minutes North of Minneapolis, nestled among pristine secluded woodlands between Finlayson, Mn and Lake Milacs.

“This week we will be connecting with the energies of nature, the Sun and Moon, the wind and trees, the rhythm of the earth and fire. As we walk through festival, we are constantly co-creating sacred space with our breath, our movement, our words and our deeds. Remember this. Be quiet in quiet spaces, join in with dance, sing the songs, laugh, play and encourage one another. Sacred Harvest Festival is a place to build and strengthen community. Whether this is your first festival or one of many, we believe you will experience the “magic” that happens when those who honor the Earth and her creatures, gather and walk together on the land in love, trust and with respect.”
…from our 2001 Village Guide: “Magic All around you”

Got more time than CA$H ??
Check out our contributing ” Worker Bee” member program and get a discount registration!

Merchanting is FREE!
Pay adult registration and bring your stuff to sell!
We now have early admission available, plan to arrive Sunday after 5pm for a small fee per adult. When you registration includes Monday, the option pops up!

For the first time ever, you can register and bring your well behaved pet to Sacred Harvest Festival!
Please carefully read all the details at registration!
With Special Guests

Brandy Williams
Brandy Williams has spent four decades in the magical communities as a priestess, ritualist, writer, teacher, and thought leader. She is an ordained priestess of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica and an initiate of Georgian Wicca, the Golden Dawn (as Via Amore Gnostike), the Ordo Templi Orientis, and the Nath Tantrika Sampradaya (as Satya Vani Nath).

In 1997, Williams founded the Seattle Pagan Scholars, and she has served as director ever since. She also is involved with the Temple of Light and Darkness, a Ceremonial group based on the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn. She served as President of Covenant of the Goddess in 1990 and 1991.

Williams has conducted many lectures and workshops on the subject of practical magic, including the School of Night, an intensive non-denominational course with six other teachers. She also gave a presentation entitled “Wiccan Devotionals” to the Parliament of World Religions in 1993. Williams has made numerous festival appearances and continues to present lectures and workshops about her work. Her published works include Practical Magic for Beginners, The Woman Magickian and For the Love of the Gods.
Grandmother Elspeth
Grandmother Elspeth is a great-grandmother, environmentalist, healer, teacher, pastoral counselor, and an irrepressible storyteller. Few of our cultural elders in America ever reach the status of “Living Legend” but 89-year-old Elspeth Odbert, just may be one. She has been enriching and strengthening the Neo Pagan movement for over 30 years. She consistently breaks through our isolating armor and bares us to the full light of, “Wake up! Take Charge of Your Life!” Her reputation for perceptive advice and earth-based “mountain wisdom” draws people to gather in her teaching circles. Outspoken and opinionated, Elspeth is an inspirational teacher and change agent: leading her listeners along an eco-spiritual path of personal and planetary transformation.

She and her husband Nybor were ordained, by the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, in the late 90s. She is certified as a Shamanic Practitioner by The Church of Earth Healing. As an honored elder in the Neo-Pagan movement, she is a living example of the timeless truths that she teaches. She has published an illustrated storybook, “Gylantra’s Journey”, two spoken word CDs,” Out of the Forest” (a series of Trance Journeys.) and “Gylantra’s Legacy”,(an audio book) and several T shirt designs.

Nybor is an internationally honored artist; as well as a healer, teacher, pastoral counselor, spiritual theorist, self-taught ritual magician, and a hermit at heart! Presently he is working on a theory of metaphysics, revealing a new way of looking at the relationship within and between the astral and physical worlds. His art has appeared on national logos, in Science Fiction and Pagan publications, and many paintings and portraits. In 2001 he completed a 13+ year project: “The Nybor Tarot Deck and Book”, a divination system in keeping with our current culture. Together, Nybor and Elspeth have created “Gylantra’s Journey,” a storybook to change minds and hearts. Also they are both involved in “GreenSong”, a non-profit organization of environmental awareness and personal preparedness.

In spite of his own reluctance, Nybor can be found at a few festivals each year. There he teaches, counsels and generally functions as Elder. As such he is available to the Neo-Pagan movement as a resource. In between, he keeps the home base in West Virginia functioning, the fur persons happy, and a candle burning for Elspeth wherever she is traveling!
Wade Mueller
Wade Mueller has been a Pagan for 26 years, a Tyrsman for 20. He is founder of Deeply Rooted, a Pagan land-based intentional community in 2001. He has been a prison minister for 15 years. Beekeeper, book collector and wannabe blacksmith…
Pagan Homeland, Living on Sacred Land
I am founder of Deeply Rooted, an off-grid 160 acre pagan sanctuary and community in north-central Wisconsin. I have been living at Deeply Rooted for the last 8 years and will present the great benefits and potential pitfalls that can occur when Nature based people live close to Nature. Historically our beliefs and practices were shaped by our geography. We truly are people of the land, yet many of us live in cities and have little connection to the cycles of the Earth. We will discuss these ideas and make plans to move towards a place where Pagans and other Nature spiritualists are stewards of larger pieces of land and we can once again become truly “nature based” Pagans.
Ritual: The Sumbel
The sumbel is a ritual toasting which is a part of many important religious and social occasions. The horn is passed around the circle and toasts are drunk to the gods, goddesses, landwights, or dead ancestors. Instead of a toast a bragging story or boast of an accomplishment to be undertaken could be spoken, but any such boast is given the weight of a most solemn and binding oath.

Shane Orthmann
Shane Orthmann is an artist, story teller and spiritual leader, serving as Gothi with the Daughters and Sons of Yta since 2010. From fall 2015-Spring 2016 Shane Orthmann was an artist in residency at the Creek, retelling the Norse Myths with an emphasis on their place in the seasons and the natural world. Collaborating to create three children’s puppet theatre productions.
In 2014 Shane traveled to Iceland where he was invited to participate in Summer Blot hosted by the Asatruar Felag. Shane Orthmann presented at World Peace and Prayer Day 2011, 2014 and 2015, an international conference of First Nation environmental and spiritual leaders, hosted by the Wolakota Foundation.
Shane will be offering weekend workshops on both Ancestor Worship and Honoring Land Spirits, and present music inspired from Norse Myths and skaldic poetry with his partner Selma Petterson.

Shane Orthmann states:
“My life is a life of dreams, not ambitions, but dreams of the night.”
Entertainers and Musicians

Mama Gina
Mama Gina is a singer/songwriter, fearless storyteller, and wanderlust. With down-to-earth, bluesy vocals, a bit of humor, and straight-ahead, rhythmic, acoustic guitar, djembe and frame drum, she tells the true stories that fall into her head and heart. She sings of our responsibility to nurture both the mundane and the Divine.

You’ll also meet Nine Toes the Bard, a 15th century Welsh lass who once dealt with a Dragon. She now travels the world, singing tales of love and battle, Pirates and Vikings, damsels and elves, trolls and that wicked Dragon that left her one digit shy. And you’ll encounter the intra-galactic Bard, Ava/She Walks the Stars.
Come laugh, weep, laugh some more and sing along with Mama Gina and all her alter-egos!
Mariah Dawn Shepherd & the Covert Dragon
Mariah Dawn Shepherd & the Covert Dragon, Originating from Southwestern Indiana, this passion-driven lively and enchanting Sparkle Folk Rock duo gets in touch with their audience through lighthearted routines in the course of melodic and eloquent musical interactions. Take pleasure in their interesting vocal harmonies and counterpoint guitar playing.
These well-rounded traveling minstrels are sure to help you attain your listening bliss. Widely recognized for their potent high-energy and upbeat performances, sporting rich techniques from several genres, this duo with their deeply touching, though often comical, original poetic messages coupled with a shared sense of communal and planetary well-being are sure to satisfy your entertainment delight. Performances delivered with wholesome storytelling flare and heartwarming authenticity, Mariah Dawn Shepherd & the Covert Dragon won’t leave you feeling musically deprived.

Concerts, the Talent Show, and Nightly Rituals! Attend the full week to not miss out!
Our Rates until JULY 31st, CLICK HERE! TO REGISTER
Elder Registration discount is 10% off! (age 60 plus)
Adult Rates (Registration postmarked or online) | Special Weekend Rate (TH 6pm -FRI,SAT,SUN) or any 3 Day -72 hour period you choose | add Days to the Three day rate (24 hours) | 7 Day (Full Festival) | Kids 12 and under – FREE! (Teens- with community service sign up! ) | 1 Day Pass (Any Day overnight until 10am – one only) |
At Festival end Rate | N/A | N/A | $115.00 | $35.00 | $30 |
Aug 12-Dec 31st | $80.00 | $25.00/day | $130.00 | $35.00 | $45 |
Jan1st- June 30th | $100.00 | $25.00/day | $150.00 | $45.00 | $50 |
July 1st – 31st | $115.00 | $25.00/day | $165.00 | $55.00 | $55 |
Aug 1st – At Gate | $130.00 | $25.00/day | $180.00 | $55.00 | $55 |